Monday, July 19, 2010


I figured out what was wrong with me. I feel relived to know I'm not just crazy and I'm not alone. Depression runs in my family so good chances are that's what I have. So I found treatments without meds.

Regular exercise helps you to feel healthier, increases the production of natural "feel good" chemicals in the body, boosts self-esteem and significantly reduces the symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety

Social Support
loneliness is one of the major causes of depression

Talk About It
Writing about your feelings is also therapeutic, so keep a journal, write a book or consult a professional.

Do Nice Things For Yourself
Learn how to say 'No' to others when it is appropriate and 'Yes' to yourself when you need it.

A carbohydrate rich diet helps the body produce serotonin - the 'feelgood' chemicall

Learn to Relax or Meditate
Relaxation techniques and meditation are easy to learn and are so effective in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression that I wonder why they are not routinely prescribed or even taught as a life skill at school!

Understand Your Symptoms
Symptoms of depression and anxiety are very troublesome, but they are also an 'early warning' signal from your body that something is not right and needs to change.

Feelgood Tip
Without looking loony, make eye contact, smile and greet each person you meet or pass (as long as it's not in a dark alley!). Count how many return your smile. Not only does it feel good to have people smile at you, the facial muscles involved in smiling send messages to the brain, causing an increase in production of natural feelgood brain chemicals!

Maybe after 10 years I have found a solution to twist my view into something happy. Cause I will always be Twisted, it's my uniqueness but maybe I can Twist Happily.


KellyMcC said...

Yay! I'm glad you did some research and found some positive outlets! If you need me, don't ever hesitate to call!:) Love ya, girl! Hang in there!

Manic said...

Well done you, you've taken that all important first step. It can be a very brave step to take, so I hope you're feeling proud.